Removing Pet Stains in Roseville Ca


There are many different products available on the market in Roseville,  Ca. that will help you to remove almost all types of stains. The ideal solution in minimizing or totally removing spots is by simply cleaning the spills and dirt the moment they crop up in Roseville,Ca.

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There are several ways to clean up spots in  Roseville,  Ca. simply by using products already available in your home which you use on a regular basis, such as baking soda,  rubbing alcohol, vinegar, lemon juice, etc.  Its simply a matter of knowing how to use these common household products and the procedures involved to clean up spots.  Below, you’ll find some tips on how to clean up a simple pet stain  in Roseville,  Ca.


 For your first option you can use one teaspoon of baking soda to a half cup of cold water.  You can use this solution in a spray bottle or apply it to the carpet directly.  It is very important not to wet the carpets backing when you apply the solution.  After you have applied the solution, use paper towels to blot then allow it to dry completely.

By:  Rose