Spot And Stain Removal

Spot And Stain Removal

Rule No. 1 regarding spots and spills on your carpeting: Clean them immediately. If you catch the spill when it’s fresh, you’ve got a good chance of removing it totally. Consider these tips, too:

Carefully blot or scrape the entire area before applying any cleaning solution. Remove as much of the spill as possible.
Before using any cleaning solution, test your carpet in an inconspicuous area to make sure the cleaner won’t damage or discolour it. Test the cleaning agents that you keep on hand before you have to use them to make sure they will not harm your carpet.
Do not rub the spill — that might spread the problem to a larger area.
When you apply spot cleaner, work from the outside of the stain toward the inside to avoid spreading the stain. After applying a cleaning solution, blot up all the moisture.

Accidents and spillages don’t have to become stains. The sooner you treat a spill, the more easily the dirt will come out. However, there are a number of tips and tricks that could help you finally remove that stubborn stain and stop you discarding or replacing a cushion or carpet that you thought was ruined, but can be rescued!

Tackle the stains as follows:

Remember – some new carpets have been subjected to anti-static and soil resistant treatments. Even when these have been applied, it is wise to follow the stain removal procedures suggested.

Alcohol, Coffee, Tea, Liquid Foods and Urine.
Blot up surplus spillage. Use a mild detergent and white vinegar solution. Work from the outer edge of the stain inwards, using a little at a time, blotting up with dry cloths frequently. See below for final rinse procedure.

Chocolate, Sweets, Blood, Glue, Ice Cream, Milk, Soft Drinks and Vomit.
Scrape up excess with a blunt knife. Use a mild detergent solution starting at the outer edge. Blot dry. Follow up with Ammonia Solution. Blot dry. See below for final rinse procedure.

Solids, Fats, Tar, Chewing Gum. Oil, Ointment and Shoe Polish.
Scrape up excess with a blunt knife. Use a dry cleaning solution followed by a mild detergent and white vinegar solution. Blot dry. See below for final rinse procedure.

Unknown Stains.
Scrape up or blot surplus spillage. Use a dry cleaning solvent followed by clean luke warm water. Blot dry. If further treatment is needed, use either a mild detergent or detergent and white vinegar solution. Blot dry. See below for final rinse procedure.
Final Rinse Procedure:

This rinse procedure is applicable to all the above methods of stain removal. Simply mix one part white vinegar and four parts water. Pour mixture into spray bottle and spay over the stained area. Blot dampened area (do not rub) to remove excess moisture. Spread white kitchen towel (stacked 6-8 sheets deep) over the affected area and a place a weight, such as a book, directly on top. This will help the moisture residue to soak into the towels. Leave overnight and repeat if necessary.

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