A candle spills over on your carpet, if there are flames involved…Immediately Extinguish! Do not panic, your carpet is not lost forever. There are several methods that can be used to remove the wax:
1. Ice method, this method would basically make the candle hard and brittle by placing a small amount of ice on the wax then breaking it up into small pieces and then vacuuming.
2. The second is a chemical cold method. A spray that freezes the was on contact, then breaking it up into smaller pieces then vacuuming. This method sometimes may take up some of the carpet with it.
3. The 3rd method is my method of choice, which I spent years perfecting this technique. This is the total opposite of the two treatments above. This is a hot melt treatment.
This hot melt treatment actually melts the wax into a damp terry-cloth towel. If a dry towel is used, it may melt into the carpet fibers. A small caution if using this method: The heat; if left on the same area for too long, may remove the coloring from the carpet.
Whatever technique you decide to use, if doing it yourself… please consult your local Professional Carpet Cleaning Specialist first. The Professional in the long run will certainly give your carpets the best possible care in removing wax from your carpets. Take a look at the photos below Before and After using the 3rd method.
“WAX -ON ” Before“WAX – OFF” After
Be sure to ask your Professional Carpet Care Specialist for “Carpet Shield” carpet and fabric protector.
So you finally broke down and added a new addition to the family, “A New Puppy.” Puppies are fun for the entire family. The children are occupied, Mom and Dad are teaching them responsibility. The puppy is learning new tricks. We all love a new puppy in the home.
Everybody’s happy. Well almost everybody. Rover is being ignored, Rover is not getting the attention he use to get. Rover has a plan of his own. “I have to protect my territory.” Rover watches the new puppy carefully.
The children decide to go into the kitchen for a snack, leaving the puppy behind. The puppy decides to go scouting around in his new home, and finds the office with nice new carpeting just installed. Puppy decides, this is a fine place to leave yellow spots over the soft carpet. Then runs back into the family room.
Later that day Mom and Dad find the yellow spots and clean the up the best that they can. Carpet still looks great. Now Rover has been watching closely, and decides its time to “Protect my territory.” Rover goes into the office and makes his mark on the same areas as the puppy. No one goes into the office until the next day. The carpet is now saturated and stained.
Mom gets out the Handy Dandy Do it Yourself Carpet Machine she purchased from a TV commercial, puts some soap and deodorizer into the carpet machine and goes to work on the area. Problem Solved, but is it really solved? A few days later there seems to be an odor coming out of the office. The area that she cleaned and deodorized is where it’s coming from.
What do I do next? After a few weeks of cleaning and deodorizing with no avail, its time to call your local Professional Carpet Cleaning Specialist to rid those odors once and for all. Make sure these are friendly to your pets and yourself before getting the job done.
Be sure to call us for these challenging areas when bring in a “New Puppy in the Home. Rover and the entire family will stay happy.
Be sure to ask your Professional Carpet Care Specialist for “Carpet Shield” carpet and fabric protector.
Today, you finally call your friendly neighborhood Professional Carpet Cleaning Specialist. Time for “Spring Cleaning.” Looking forward to clean carpets for the entire family to enjoy. Especially “Fido” who just loves to lounge near your favorite chair on the carpet. Just how safe is it for Fido after cleaning?
We must investigate.
Some of your most common ingredients to avoid are as follows:
Hydroxyacetic acid, butoxyethanol, isobutane, monohexyl ether, alcohol, and bleach. These products are toxic when they come in contact with skin or are inhaled. If any of these ingredients are part of the cleaning process used, it may be a good idea to keep away from them. Fido may get an unpleasant reaction from these if they are used on your carpets.
Some of your more natural solutions may contain:
Baking soda, citrus, water, vinegar, salt, borax, oxygen. These can be easily understood. Fido will be extremely happy when using these cleaning solutions.
Do a little homework and investigate what is going to be brought into your home. Is it “Safe” and “Pet Friendly?” Is it friendly for you and your entire family?
Be sure to ask your Professional Carpet Care Specialist for “Carpet Shield” carpet and fabric protector.
Spring Cleaning time again. Yes, be sure to include your hometown Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Professional as part of your “Spring Cleaning” tasks this year. Your carpets will be smelling fresh as spring. Your upholstery will be dust free and will look great. Have your leather upholstery re-conditioned so it withstands the summer months, and stays soft and pliable while enjoying the comfort. Be sure not to forget your pets, accidents do happen. We are here to help with any challenges you may have, whether it be odor or cleaning.
“To Clean” or “Not to Clean?” That is the question today.
Be sure to ask your Professional Carpet Care Specialist for “Carpet Shield” carpet and fabric protector.
Conditioning your Leather Upholstery should be a “Top Priority” this time of year. The couch and chair below have that well lived in and very comfortable look. This is everyone’s favorite part of the home. Teen children and pets make this their favorite sitting areas, even Dad after a hard days work; his favorite chair and place to relax with Mom and the entire family.
The leather upholstery in the photos below were cleaned and conditioned with a “Non-Petroleum” all natural solution. This all natural solution brings out the natural luster from the leather. The leather upholstery was also treated with a solution to remove odors that have been laying in the leather. After conditioning, this furniture is now ready for many more years of comfort for the entire family.
Furniture Even “Indiana Jones” would be proud to sit in!
Be sure to ask your Professional Carpet Care Specialist for “Carpet Shield” carpet and fabric protector.